Your average SUV-driving Dallas mom stopped for gas at Shell. A split second later, a man jumped into Mom’s seat and attempted to scoot. Did he notice the two toddlers in the back? Could he have anticipated the swift, risky reactions fueled by a mother’s love and fury that would come crashing down on him? Unlikely. Momma bear efficaciously lunged for the passenger-side door, demanded the would-be carjacker/kidnapper stop the car, and when he did not, she grabbed her gun from the glove box and shot him in the head. (NBC DFW)


Police pursue (presumed) pantsless perv
Driving around in his red Ram 1500, nude from the waist down, the alleged exhibitionist — described as Hispanic male, no pants — has exposed himself to several women since June 27, officials say. (WBAP)

Price-gouging gas merchants must pay
Remember when Harvey hit and, for a few days, a bunch of irrational Dallas drivers queued up at pumps due to rumors of a gasoline shortage, thereby causing a gasoline shortage? And how gas station proprietors promptly capitalized on this supposed fuel famine by skyrocketing the price per gallon? Now a number of those stations have been ordered to pay restitutions. Ha. Ha. Here’s a list: (Texas Attorney General)

The lease you can do
Rents in Dallas have been rising, but they’re possibly becoming more affordable due to proliferation of new builds. (Lakewood Advocate)

Love is in the air: a tale told via Twitter
In today’s tech-y times, we sometimes see dramas unfold in mini social media increments. In this case, it was a love story — playing out on a plane en route to DFW. And an observer eked out the tale as fellow Twitter users, 842,000 of ’em, tuned in. (WFAA)

Learning with lions
A preschool at the Dallas Zoo? That sounds grrrrrrrreat. Wild Earth Preschool opens in August. It’s a full-day, licensed childcare center and nature preschool for 3-5 year-olds. Parents, you will simply need to come up with $11k per a year. (CW33)

A waiting game
It’s like Las Vegas except you won’t blow quite as much money, probably. Dallas airport opens video game lounges. (Dallas Business Journal)


The dogs are alright (the house, not so much)
The West Dallas house is in ruins, but the six pooches in the yard are alive. Pardon the digression, but six dogs? Now back to your regularly scheduled program. (NBC DFW)

People of Walmart
Bringing your infant along on a police chase across several counties is not safe, even if said child is in a car seat. One Dallas couple is behind bars after leading police from several counties, plus Dallas’ Air One helicopter, on a lengthy pursuit beginning at a Terrell Walmart, where they were shopping, or rather shoplifting, allegedly. They fled in an effort to evade arrest, authorities say, and both have a history of criminal shenanigans. (NBC DFW)

Fight to the death
A fight broke out at Mildred L. Dunn Park. One man did not make it out alive. The other absconded on a bicycle. (Dallas Morning News)





Time for a new gig?

Like what you’re reading? Sick of your job? Don’t mind talking with anyone within earshot because you want to help their business grow? Dallas Magazine is hiring a full-time and a part-time sales consultant. Flexible hours, benefits, uncapped commission pay and a fun office environment. We can prove it, too: Just look at this newsletter!


Stay cool, my friends 
Mmmmm. Ice cream. A “Miami-style” shop, Azucar Ice Cream Company, just opened in Bishop Arts. (Culture Map Dallas) Add it to that list of sweet, chilly indulgences. (Oak Cliff Advocate)

Wine-y women 
This savvy, wine-sipping ladies will school you all day on the Italian grape. Seek their service at Lucia and Macellaio.  (Oak Cliff Advocate)

Do you like steak?
Find this handy list next time your carnivorous cravings kick in — a Dallas steakhouse for every life scenario. (Central Track)


Check out Happy Hour Friday with Marc Rebillet at Twilight Lounge Dallas. (Details)

Family Fun Fridays at Dallas Arboretum is free with paid general admission. The special day features face painting, a petting zoo, music and more. (Details)

Vintage Hot Wheels, Transformers, Matchbox cars, DC and Marvel comic books, trading cards, “Star Wars” action figures — that scratches the surface when it comes to the “largest toy show in Dallas,” the North Dallas Toy Show. It happens the first Saturday each month starting at 9 a.m. at Dallas Events Center. (Details)

Exercise. Flow & Flavor hosts a private class at SOULCYCLE July 7 at 10:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. (Details)

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Wine & Watercolor
Prepare for a good time, and enjoy your wine! Join us in our North Haven Gardens Gallery July 15 from 1:30-4 p.m. Become inspired by an array of colorful foliage and paint delicate blooms of “coral bells.” $60 includes some supplies. (Grab Your Spot Here)