Plus, Facebook stole the Rangers game from TV, Jordon Spieth returns to The Byron, Downtown’s underground tunnels and two dead bodies in the back of a black Cadillac.

Photo by Danny Fulgencio
Panic at the curb—it could be coming soon to your neighborhood, as Dallas does away with its bulk trash collection practices. These days our city’s sanitation department picks up just about anything we dump on our curbs during monthly combined bulk and brush days. But the city council this week considers a new system that would cut bulky trash pick up to four times a year …
Dallas’ young golf god Jordon Spieth first played in the Byron Nelson golf tournament when he was 16. Now the Jesuit grad is 24 and — as The Byron celebrates its 50th anniversary and competitors prepare for play on a new course — Spieth recalls his experience as a teenager.

Sidney Bouvier Gilstrap-Portley
This 25-year-old posed as a Harvey evacuee so he could enroll at Skyline High School and relive his glory days playing basketball. Before getting caught, he transferred to Hillcrest where he also briefly dated a 14-year-old, NBC 5 reports. Dallas ISD schools admitted students displaced following flooding in southern Texas; many had lost the paperwork and identification generally required to enroll in school. Federal law exempts people who claim to be homeless or an evacuee due to a natural disaster from requiring documents they might not have, and Sidney Bouvier Gilstrap-Portley took advantage of the temporarily more-permissive enrollment standards in order to pose as Rashun Richardson, freshman. Police arrested the man on charges of tampering with government records. Now he is out on bond.

Photo by Greta Diaz.
The above story is familiar. Remember the 31-year-old woman who attended proms, played tennis and graduated from a Vancouver, Washington high school? Or this 31-year-old woman who passed as a high school sophomore? And the 19-year-old who knocked five years off his age was part of an even bigger conspiracy. There’s even a show about adults who have posed as high schoolers.
This probably pissed off some old-timers and Rangers fans. Wednesday’s Rangers game can be seen only on Facebook. Facebook Watch, the social network’s own on-demand video streaming service, has a partnership with Major League Baseball that gives Facebook the rights to exclusively stream one weekday afternoon game each week, WFAA reports.
Explore the “kinda creepy” Dallas underground tunnels with the Dallas Morning News. It’s something most of us sorta kind-a know about, but the clandestine entrance and particulars of the once-called “Dallas Pedestrian Network” remain mysterious. Downtown’s system of underground passages and sky bridges were designed in the late 1960s by international city planner Vincent Ponte, the News reports. “The underground would be a place for people to shop and eat — in the comforts of air conditioning, and away from the sweltering heat and congested streets. The entrances would be accessed via office buildings.” But many felt the hidden city would rob our streets of vibrancy, and the network eventually became disconnected and, for the most part, almost altogether ignored.
The bad smell wafting over Pueblo Park in southern Dallas near Trinity Groves Tuesday seemed to be coming from a black Cadillac, which neighbors say had been parked there for a few days. Landscapers called police, who found two bodies decomposing inside its trunk, NBC 5 reporters tell us.
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