As a rule, we avoid rumors we can’t publicly verify. But when a piece of especially juicy information is confirmed by two independent sources, it transcends into something we’d feel remiss not to share with you, our beloved readers. Especially when it comes to food.
Nathan Tate, one of the “best chefs in America,” is rumored to be considering the old Dixie House location in the Lakewood Shopping Center, which until recently housed SugarBacon Proper Kitchen. He’s the culinary wizard behind Rapscallion on Greenville and the oh-so-French Boulevardier in Bishop Arts, serving as executive chef of both locations. What he’s thinking for Lakewood would be a new concept, sources say, versus a relocation of one of his existing endeavors.
We reached out to Tate, but have yet to hear back or get confirmation of his interest in the Lakewood Shopping Center. However, a source connected to the property and another source who works for Tate both confirmed that he’s inquired about the newly vacated site.
At 5,400 square feet, the Dixie House property would be bigger than anything Tate has tackled (both Rapscallion and Boulevardier are about 2,300 square feet). The larger size will require bigger crowds to keep the finances in the black, which may be the achilles of that location.
We’ll post an update when we learn more, but for now, feel free to wildly speculate what eatery would be best in the 6400 Gaston location in the comment section below.
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