Are you sad? Or is there a chance you will be sad today, tomorrow or sometime in the near future? (If not count your lucky stars and keep doing what you’re doing). As the wizard Merlin told Arthur in The Once and Future King, “The best thing for being sad is to learn something … look what a lot of things there are to learn.”
Tuesday. Learn something, be moved, drink free beer and wine—Some of “Dallas’ best design-thought leaders” according to organizers at the Dallas Architecture Forum, host a panel discussion about what inspires them to create award-winning projects and designs. Official talk begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Dallas Black Dance Theater, 2700 Ann Williams Way (in the Arts District to the east of One Arts Plaza). From pushing conventional boundaries to “creating experiential spaces through a lens of ecological, social, physical systems,” architects, students of the profession or community members interested in commercial, urban and residential design should take advantage of this free event.
Wednesday. Get inside the heads of today’s young people, a fascinating, potentially expansive, sometimes scary place. Part of a series of original short films created by youth from Big Thought’s Creative Solutions and Artivism programs, “WE ARE” premieres Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. at the Studio Movie Grill, 10110 Technology Boulevard in West Dallas. Tickets are free, though you should RSVP here. Watch the trailer here.
Wednesday. Learn Spanish, brush up on your Spanish and practice speaking Spanish. All for free—along with others aspiring to learn the language. From 7-9 p.m. inside the cozy confines of Lucky Dog Books in Casa Linda, 1152 N. Buckner. This is a weekly event, so, just think: if you start now, you could be fluent by the end of summer (which, by the way, never ends around here, so, no pressure). View Facebook invite here. Plus, it’s gratuito.
Look for more events later in the week.
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