Can we all agree that trees are, like, the best thing ever. No, that is not a question.

Photo by Danny Fulgencio
Trees: Not just pretty objects, future firewood (tread carefully, pitmasters), a life preserver, Oncor’s bane or the club wherein Kurt Cobain infamously punched a guy. They literally chill, and boost the quality of, ambient air; that’s especially cool in a city that sees 40+ triple-digit days per annum. To “reduce air pollution … combat climate change,” Branch Out Dallas presents free trees. Bestowed on each Dallas household is one 5-gallon oak, elm or redbud. (Dallas Magazine)
A year ago: The historic Dallas Public Library building downtown became HQ2 to our city’s daily paper. (Is it still HQ2 if they shutter HQ1? We are new to this Amazon-brought lingo.) This week, a developer pays $33 million for its old digs. (Dallas Morning News)
We like Dallas, warts and all: Because life in an all-affluent ‘burb, at times, breeds compassion-free, deliriously daft denizens. Case in point, Southlake High School, where 11 students brazenly belted out a racist slur on repeat. And recorded. Then, confirming they consider such behavior A-OK, they posted it on Facebook. (NBC DFW)
I agree with @ahylaina. They don’t want this video shared because it’s shameful. Well, to quote the High Sparrow (warning! Link is to graphic “GoT” scene), “Shame. Shame. Shame.”
because i don’t think this is getting enough attention, especially because the school made them delete it. i want everyone to know that these kids are from SOUTHLAKE CARROLL.
— uh-LAY-nuh (@ahylaina) October 30, 2018
Cashiers 86ed? Forget that loads of shoppers loathe self checkout (Vox), that it incites, in certain mommies, violent ideations (People I Want To Punch In The Throat). A forthcoming Dallas Sam’s Club doubles down on a scan-and-go model, which, we concede, seems kind-a cool. (WFAA/Lakewood Advocate)
Grocery stores go gentle into that good night: Four reportedly unprofitable Albertson’s/Tom Thumbs are set to close come December. (One outfit owns both brands.) No rage against the dying … The closings all are in the ‘burbs, and there remain 96 stores in our region. Two more are about to open in Dallas proper. (Culture Map)

“Mozart in the Jungle’s” Rodrigo.
Mozart in the Jungle: “60 Minutes” aired a profile on the New York Philharmonic’s new maestro Jaap (pronounce “Yap”) van Zweden. (60 Minutes) We humbly opine he is marginally less irresistible than semi-fictional Rodrigo, but he’s pretty dang close. He’s real, and he once was ours. Sigh. (NBC DFW)
Contemporary female designers: Women’s works often get short shrifts at galleries. The Dallas Museum of Art’s newest decorative arts and design curator Sarah Schleuning “is taking a bold step to remedy such omissions.” A renowned national publication gives her well-deserved props. (Architectural Digest)
Found guilty: Former Dallas police officer Marcus Maxwell struck a deal with a notorious truck cargo thief, then lied about it. For his part, said thief, in court, called Maxwell “the brokest, dirtiest cop I ever seen.” The ex-cop now faces federal prison time. (Dallas Morning News)
Full court press: LeBron James does no thing small, you see, so the pizza chain linked to his name, Blaze Pizza, aims to blanket the Dallasarea, opening 20 or so DFW stores over the next few years. (Guide Live)

Photo by Danny Fulgencio
— In the last night of 2018 Halloween events, it’s Halloween on Halloween at The Church, which is not a church but a nightclub in Lizard Lounge, which you’d have hopefully guessed when given the event’s hours: 8 p.m.-3 a.m. (Details)
— If storms subside, join Trick o’ Treat on Downtown Streets then head to Belo Garden for a screening of “Hocus Pocus,” starring Bette Midler at her comedic best. (Details)THURSDAY
— Nicki Minaj reportedly will get crazy up in the American Airlines Center at 7:30. (Details)
— Dia de Muertos is about celebrating the legacy of dearly departed friends and family. Festivities at Mercado369 start with a brief presentation on the historical significance and modern-day transformation of Day of the Dead, followed by boozing it up, dancing and eating sugary food. (Details)
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